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Degrees in Healthcare

Healthcare is expected to remain a growing professional field *. Top healthcare careers include registered nurses, medical assistants, dental hygienists, clinical laboratory technicians, radiologic technologists, and physical therapists. Allied health professions or healthcare careers, separate from nursing, medicine, and pharmacy, typically focus on direct patient care and work alongside healthcare providers assisting with technical responsibilities.

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Masters Degree Students

Nursing Degrees (RN, LPN, BSN)

There may be several education paths to advance your nursing skills. The most common are the Registered Nurse (RN) license and the Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) license. However, there are several other certificate and degree-focused nursing programs such as an Associate Degree Nursing program (ADN), a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), or a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN).

Doctoral Degree Students


There are many certifications and postsecondary nondegree programs an individual can earn to expand their education and build their healthcare skillset. Some of healthcare occupations that require postsecondary nondegree awards include Dental Assistants, Medical Assistants, and Medical Records and Health Information Technicians.

Graduate Certificate Students

Associate Degrees

Associate degrees are typically 2-year programs offered at a technical college or community college. There are several associate degree programs that can lead to a career in healthcare. There are several jobs that only require an associate’s degree, such as an occupational therapist assistant, physical therapist assistant, nuclear medicine technologist, dental hygienist, radiation therapist, diagnostic medical sonographer, among others.

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Why Work in Healthcare?

Jobs in the healthcare sector are among some of the fastest-growing jobs and some of these professions typically require shorter education paths, such as associate degrees and certificate programs. There is also opportunity for a variety of skills and interests. Healthcare is a diverse field with positions focused on patient care, technology, administration, and management.

**Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022. Based on national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Visited 08/23.

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