Master’s Degrees in Pathology/Pathologist Assistant
Education Levels of Pathology/Pathologist Assistant Majors
During the most recent year for which data is available, 187 people earned their master's degree in pathology/pathologist assistant. This makes it the 83rd most popular master's degree program in the country.
The following table shows the number of diplomas awarded in pathology/pathologist assistant at each degree level.
Education Level | Number of Grads |
Master’s Degree | 187 |
Earnings of Pathology/Pathologist Assistant Majors With Master’s Degrees
We are unable to calculate the median earnings for pathology/pathologist assistant majors with their master's degree due to lack of data.
Student Debt
We do not have the data to estimate the median debt for this class of people.
Student Diversity
More women than men pursue their master's degree in pathology/pathologist assistant. About 86.1% of graduates with this degree are female.
Gender | Number of Grads |
Men | 26 |
Women | 161 |

The racial-ethnic distribution of pathology/pathologist assistant master’s degree students is as follows:
Race/Ethnicity | Number of Grads |
Asian | 18 |
Black or African American | 7 |
Hispanic or Latino | 29 |
White | 119 |
International Students | 2 |
Other Races/Ethnicities | 12 |

Most Popular Pathology/Pathologist Assistant Programs for Master’s Degrees
There are 9 colleges that offer a master’s degree in pathology/pathologist assistant. Learn more about the most popular 9 below:
The most popular school in the United States for pathology/pathologist assistant students seekinga master's degree is Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science. Roughly 2,000 attend the school each year. During the most recent year for which we have data, 29 people received their master's degree in pathology/pathologist assistant from RFUMS. Of these students, 87% were women and 40% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.
Loma Linda University comes in at #2 on our list of the most popular colleges offering master's degrees in pathology/pathologist assistant. Each year, around 4,400 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $24,000 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $29,000 per year. During the most recent year for which we have data, 16 people received their master's degree in pathology/pathologist assistant from Loma Linda University. Of these students, 89% were women and 67% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.
The 3rd most popular school in the country for pathology/pathologist assistant majors who are seeking their master's degree is West Virginia University. Each year, around 26,200 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $9,648 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $10,908 per year. During the most recent year for which we have data, 14 people received their master's degree in pathology/pathologist assistant from WVU. About 87% of this group were women, and 13% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.
The 4th most popular school in the country for pathology/pathologist assistant majors who are seeking their master's degree is Drexel University. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $58,293 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $36,234 per year. During the most recent year for which we have data, 11 people received their master's degree in pathology/pathologist assistant from Drexel. About 100% of this group were women, and 42% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.
The 4th most popular school in the country for pathology/pathologist assistant majors who are seeking their master's degree is Eastern Virginia Medical School. Each year, around 1,200 students seeking various degrees attend the university. During the most recent year for which we have data, 11 people received their master's degree in pathology/pathologist assistant from Eastern Virginia Medical School. About 91% of this group were women, and 23% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.
University of Maryland - Baltimore is the 6th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a master's degree in pathology/pathologist assistant. Roughly 7,100 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $9,827 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $15,750 per year. During the most recent year for which we have data, 10 people received their master's degree in pathology/pathologist assistant from UMB. Of these students, 90% were women and 50% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.
Wayne State University is the 7th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a master's degree in pathology/pathologist assistant. Each year, around 26,200 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $13,660 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $18,301 per year. During the most recent year for which we have data, 6 people received their master's degree in pathology/pathologist assistant from Wayne State. About 79% of this group were women, and 21% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.
Quinnipiac University is the 8th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a master's degree in pathology/pathologist assistant. Roughly 9,700 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $50,400 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $17,172 per year. During the most recent year for which we have data, 0 people received their master's degree in pathology/pathologist assistant from Quinnipiac. Of these students, 75% were women and 25% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.
University of Utah comes in at #8 on our list of the most popular colleges offering master's degrees in pathology/pathologist assistant. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $8,175 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $7,353 per year. During the most recent year for which we have data, 0 people received their master's degree in pathology/pathologist assistant from U of U.
Explore Major by State
New Jersey
North Carolina
Rhode Island
West Virginia
Related Majors
Below are some popular majors that are similar to pathology/pathologist assistant that offer master’s degrees.
Major | Annual Degrees Awarded |
Anesthesiologist Assistant | 294 |
Other Allied Health Services | 53 |
Radiologist Assistant | 16 |
Lactation Consultant | 10 |
Physical Therapy Technician | 1 |
*The racial-ethnic minority student count is calculated by taking the total number of students and subtracting white students, international students, and students whose race/ethnicity was unknown. This number is then divided by the total number of students at the school to obtain the percentage of racial-ethnic minorities.
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