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Master's Degree in Registered Nursing

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Master’s Degrees in Registered Nursing

18,773 Yearly Graduations
87% Women
32% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*
There are 317 colleges and univerities across the nation that offer a master's degree in registered nursing. Among those who recently graduated from the schools offering this degree, the majority were women, and 32% were students from underrepresented racial-ethnic groups. Also, 1.0% of registered nursing graduates were international students.

Education Levels of Registered Nursing Majors

During the 2020-2021 academic year, 18,773 students earned their master's degree in registered nursing. This earns it the #1 spot on the list of the most popular master's degree programs in the nation.

The following table shows the number of diplomas awarded in registered nursing at each degree level.

Education Level Number of Grads
Bachelor’s Degree 157,596
Associate Degree 84,448
Master’s Degree 18,773
Undergraduate Certificate 2,293
Basic Certificate 1,912
Doctor’s Degree 1,058
Graduate Certificate 571

Earnings of Registered Nursing Majors With Master’s Degrees

We are unable to calculate the median earnings for registered nursing majors with their master's degree due to lack of data.

Student Debt

We do not have the data to estimate the median debt for this class of people.

Student Diversity

More women than men pursue their master's degree in registered nursing. About 87.5% of graduates with this degree are female.

Gender Number of Grads
Men 2,351
Women 16,422

The racial-ethnic distribution of registered nursing master’s degree students is as follows:

Race/Ethnicity Number of Grads
Asian 1,273
Black or African American 2,818
Hispanic or Latino 1,453
White 11,349
International Students 180
Other Races/Ethnicities 1,700

There are 317 colleges that offer a master’s degree in registered nursing. Learn more about the most popular 20 below:


Walden University

Minneapolis, Minnesota
4,104 Yearly Graduations
87% Women
43% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The most popular school in the United States for registered nursing students seekinga master's degree is Walden University. Roughly 49,600 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $10,064 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $9,651 per year. The registered nursing program at Walden University awarded 4,104 master's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. Around 43% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 87% were women.

1,467 Yearly Graduations
91% Women
29% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 2nd most popular school in the country for registered nursing majors who are seeking their master's degree is Chamberlain University - Illinois. Roughly 29,400 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $19,117 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $13,000 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 1,467 master's degrees were handed out to registered nursing majors at Chamberlain - Illinois. Of these students, 91% were women and 29% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.


University of South Alabama

Mobile, Alabama
780 Yearly Graduations
88% Women
25% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

University of South Alabama is the 3rd most popular school in the nation for students seeking a master's degree in registered nursing. Each year, around 14,200 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $8,256 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $8,226 per year. The registered nursing program at University of South Alabama awarded 780 master's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. Around 25% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 88% were women.


University of Alabama at Birmingham

Birmingham, Alabama
686 Yearly Graduations
86% Women
21% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

University of Alabama at Birmingham is the 4th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a master's degree in registered nursing. Roughly 22,500 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $8,568 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $8,100 per year. The registered nursing program at University of Alabama at Birmingham awarded 686 master's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. About 86% of this group were women, and 21% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.


Grand Canyon University

Phoenix, Arizona
660 Yearly Graduations
95% Women
45% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Grand Canyon University comes in at #5 on our list of the most popular colleges offering master's degrees in registered nursing. Roughly 103,400 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $16,401 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $10,621 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 660 master's degrees were handed out to registered nursing majors at Grand Canyon University. Of these students, 95% were women and 45% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.


Northern Kentucky University

Highland Heights, Kentucky
466 Yearly Graduations
88% Women
12% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 6th most popular school in the country for registered nursing majors who are seeking their master's degree is Northern Kentucky University. Roughly 16,200 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $10,008 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $9,900 per year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 466 people received their master's degree in registered nursing from NKU. Of these students, 88% were women and 12% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.


Regis College

Weston, Massachusetts
315 Yearly Graduations
86% Women
24% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 7th most popular school in the country for registered nursing majors who are seeking their master's degree is Regis College. Roughly 3,400 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $44,809 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $28,800 per year. The registered nursing program at Regis College awarded 315 master's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. Of these students, 86% were women and 24% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.


Johns Hopkins University

Baltimore, Maryland
308 Yearly Graduations
86% Women
37% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Johns Hopkins University is the 8th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a master's degree in registered nursing. Roughly 28,800 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $58,720 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $58,720 per year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 308 people received their master's degree in registered nursing from Johns Hopkins. Of these students, 86% were women and 37% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.


Drexel University

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
303 Yearly Graduations
91% Women
18% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Drexel University comes in at #9 on our list of the most popular colleges offering master's degrees in registered nursing. Each year, around 23,500 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $54,766 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $36,234 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 303 master's degrees were handed out to registered nursing majors at Drexel. Of these students, 91% were women and 18% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.


Thomas Jefferson University

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
281 Yearly Graduations
90% Women
26% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Thomas Jefferson University is the 10th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a master's degree in registered nursing. Roughly 8,200 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $41,900 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $22,068 per year. The registered nursing program at Thomas Jefferson University awarded 281 master's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. About 90% of this group were women, and 26% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.

269 Yearly Graduations
86% Women
47% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Columbia University in the City of New York comes in at #11 on our list of the most popular colleges offering master's degrees in registered nursing. Each year, around 30,100 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $59,450 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $50,496 per year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 269 people received their master's degree in registered nursing from Columbia. About 86% of this group were women, and 47% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.


Georgetown University

Washington, District of Columbia
259 Yearly Graduations
92% Women
27% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Georgetown University is the 12th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a master's degree in registered nursing. Each year, around 19,300 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $59,784 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $54,672 per year. The registered nursing program at Georgetown University awarded 259 master's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. Of these students, 92% were women and 27% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.


Marquette University

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
250 Yearly Graduations
86% Women
13% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 13th most popular school in the country for registered nursing majors who are seeking their master's degree is Marquette University. Each year, around 11,500 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $44,970 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $21,960 per year. The registered nursing program at Marquette University awarded 250 master's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. About 86% of this group were women, and 13% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.

246 Yearly Graduations
88% Women
18% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Ohio State University - Main Campus is the 14th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a master's degree in registered nursing. Each year, around 61,300 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $11,018 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $11,560 per year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 246 people received their master's degree in registered nursing from Ohio State. Around 18% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 88% were women.

220 Yearly Graduations
92% Women
38% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 15th most popular school in the country for registered nursing majors who are seeking their master's degree is University of South Florida - Main Campus. Each year, around 50,600 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $4,559 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $8,350 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 220 master's degrees were handed out to registered nursing majors at USF Tampa. Around 38% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 92% were women.


DePaul University

Chicago, Illinois
200 Yearly Graduations
87% Women
38% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 16th most popular school in the country for registered nursing majors who are seeking their master's degree is DePaul University. Roughly 21,900 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $41,361 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $17,951 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 200 master's degrees were handed out to registered nursing majors at DePaul. About 87% of this group were women, and 38% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.


University of Arizona

Tucson, Arizona
197 Yearly Graduations
79% Women
37% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 17th most popular school in the country for registered nursing majors who are seeking their master's degree is University of Arizona. Roughly 45,600 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $10,990 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $12,106 per year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 197 people received their master's degree in registered nursing from University of Arizona. Around 37% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 79% were women.

172 Yearly Graduations
87% Women
8% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 18th most popular school in the country for registered nursing majors who are seeking their master's degree is Kent State University at Kent. Each year, around 26,800 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $11,000 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $11,766 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 172 master's degrees were handed out to registered nursing majors at Kent State. Of these students, 87% were women and 8% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.


University of Alabama in Huntsville

Huntsville, Alabama
171 Yearly Graduations
88% Women
15% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

University of Alabama in Huntsville comes in at #19 on our list of the most popular colleges offering master's degrees in registered nursing. Roughly 9,900 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $9,730 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $10,632 per year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 171 people received their master's degree in registered nursing from UAH. About 88% of this group were women, and 15% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.


University of Missouri - Kansas City

Kansas City, Missouri
168 Yearly Graduations
93% Women
11% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

University of Missouri - Kansas City is the 20th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a master's degree in registered nursing. Each year, around 16,100 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $9,579 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $10,152 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 168 master's degrees were handed out to registered nursing majors at UMKC. Of these students, 93% were women and 11% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.

Below are some popular majors that are similar to registered nursing that offer master’s degrees.

Major Annual Degrees Awarded
Family Practice Nursing 14,286
Nursing Administration 8,411
Nursing Research & Other 1,498
Adult Health Nursing 1,456
Nursing Science 1,421


*The racial-ethnic minority student count is calculated by taking the total number of students and subtracting white students, international students, and students whose race/ethnicity was unknown. This number is then divided by the total number of students at the school to obtain the percentage of racial-ethnic minorities.

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