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Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Sciences in Virginia

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Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Sciences Schools in Virginia

378 students earned Pharmacy degrees in Virginia in the <nil> year.

In terms of popularity, Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Sciences is the 9th most popular major in the state out of a total 23 majors commonly available.

Education Levels of Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Sciences Majors in Virginia

Pharmacy majors in the state tend to have the following degree levels:

Education Level Number of Grads
Doctor’s Degree (Other) 353
Doctor’s Degree (Research / Scholarship) 353
Doctor’s Degree (Professional Practice) 353
Bachelor’s Degree 9
Master’s Degree 8
Award Taking 2 to 4 Years 7
Award Taking 1 to 2 Years 7
Associate Degree 1

Gender Distribution

In Virginia, a pharmacy major is more popular with women than with men.


Racial Distribution

The racial distribution of pharmacy majors in Virginia is as follows:

  • Asian: 15.6%
  • Black or African American: 15.9%
  • Hispanic or Latino: 3.4%
  • White: 39.4%
  • Non-Resident Alien: 3.7%
  • Other Races: 22.0%

Jobs for Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Sciences Grads in Virginia

In this state, there are 23,870 people employed in jobs related to a pharmacy degree, compared to 1,248,840 nationwide.


Wages for Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Sciences Jobs in Virginia

Pharmacy grads earn an average of $123,920 in the state and $123,670 nationwide.


There are 4 colleges in Virginia that offer pharmacy degrees. Learn about the most popular 4 below:


Shenandoah University

159 Degrees in Major Awarded
59% Graduation Rate
4,287 Total Students

It takes the average student 4.22 years to graduate. In their early career, Shenandoah grads earn an average salary of $45,822. This private school has an average net price of $29,380.

131 Degrees in Major Awarded
67% Graduation Rate
28,594 Total Students

Grads earn an average early-career salary of $45,582 after earning their degree at this institution. The student loan default rate is 0.90% which is lower than average. Seeking financial aid? At this school, 85% of students receive it.

55 Degrees in Major Awarded
172 Total Students

The full-time teacher rate is 100%.

37 Degrees in Major Awarded
62% Graduation Rate
3,317 Total Students

This private school has an average net price of $40,395. The full-time teacher rate is 100%. Students enjoy a student to faculty ratio of 13 to 1.

Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Sciences Careers in VA

Some of the careers pharmacy majors go into include:

Job Title VA Job Growth VA Median Salary
Health Specialties Professors 31% $0
Medical Scientists 20% $89,220
Marketing Managers 13% $163,470
Sales Managers 9% $160,640
Pharmacists 7% $128,260

Below are some popular majors in the state that are similar to pharmacy.

Major Annual Graduates in VA
Nursing 6,775
Mental & Social Health Services 2,163
Allied Health Professions 1,447
Medicine 1,144
Public Health 1,071
Health/Medical Admin Services 988
Allied Health Services 967
Rehabilitation Professions 730

View all majors related to Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Sciences

View Nationwide Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Sciences Report


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